age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

Is It Really The World Series???

Wednesday, October 26
American's have one big flaw... They think the world revolves around them, myself being one of them. I don't think the world revolves around myself but at one time I did. Everything is big in America, that's because we want everybody to perceive it that way.

Let's take sporting events in this country. The World Series, The SUPER Bowl, World Champion Cowboy, world Champion Knitter... We say world because we think the world revolves around us. The Little League World Series is just as it said.. World Series. Because they have two pools of teams, one International and one North America. They duke it out until they last team stands. the way it should be.

Professional Sports are different. The World Series is played between two divisions : The National League & The American League. I see no world league so it is arrogent of the league to say "World", because they only play teams from two countries. No team from any other country other than Canada. It should be called National American Chapionship Series. American football is the same. The National (again No World word exists) Football league plays teams from only 1 country, America. So how can the Super Bowl Clampions be considered "World Champions? They can't!!! Canada has it's own League and now Europe does to. In the end, all the football teams need to playoff to get to play from other country teams. Then that will decide who is the true "World Champion".

The only league on the planet to do this is Soccer. They have the World Cup. Teams who represent their country play until a Champion is the final winner. A cool idea.

But us self serving Americans can't have it any other way. Let them have their little title. Most intelligent people know the truth and just consider it arrogance.
