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The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Goddamn Recliner Made Me Do It....

Monday, October 24

Once again, getting home from work, I sat in the recliner. What happens when I sit in the recliner???? I fall asleep. Crashing hard for a couple of hours thus making it very hard for me to fall asleep thus fucking up my sleep schedule. Enough of the thus'...

Another note, Marnie asked me last week, why can I write the stuff I write here, but not talk like I write. A good question. I feel it's easy to write what I would like to say. With writing, you can correct mistakes as opposed to talking, one slip of the tongue or a phrase can piss people off. A simple misconstrusive sentence can be a fucker. I don't talk well also. that's why I'm not a fan of the phone. Talking on the phone is like getting poked in the eye with a hot poker. I would prefer to pull my own teeth out and hammer them back in with a large shoe.

I tend to stutter when I try and explain something. I'm getting better but it's still a struggle for me. I suffer from hearing loss in one ear which makes it hard for me to hear people. Most people don't know this because I keep it to myself. I had Dr. Schauer, at work, look into my ear and she said it looked like a train wreck. Thanks Bobbi for the analysis. But she's right.

Since I have started writing my thoughts and opinions, I am liking it more and more. Most of my opinions to the newspaper are sarcastic in nature. Reason being, I pick the people with the dumbest opinion and try and make them see the ignorance in what they wrote. I get calls at home from folks who love what I write.

Anyways, I'm going to try and get some sleep. ***Reminder to self - Avoid the recliner after work... Don't sit in it, don't look at it, just pass on by!!!***

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