age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

The Art of the Dirty Word...

Thursday, October 27
All of us cuss. We do it in anger, in surprise, in pain, in amazment. No matter how you look at it, it's a part of the way we do things. I swear pretty good but not as good as some people. Let's take Pam. Of the people who know Pam knows Pam swears awesome. Even better than I. Rosie is also quite good. Julie does good also. Barry and Ross do it well also. Everybody has a certain way of doing it and it becomes part of them.

Thinking dirty is different from talking like a trucker. And why do we associate the freight industry with swearing. I've heard people say, "He swears like a sailor". I'm sure folks in other branches of the armed services do it just as good.

Do people who swear look ignorant? Some do. The young punk trying to look cool by saying "fuckin' this, fuckin' that." Not so much ignorant as more stupid. Is swearing a sin. I say no. I'm sure it's not in the commandments or the Bible. "Thou shalt not say asshole"

Not all words are accepted in the annuls of everyday swearing. The "C" word is unacceptable. The "CS" word is bad but not as bad as the previous word. I don't use them.. well, the latter maybe.

Words of wisdom... Don't be a shit and fuck up like an asshole, you bitch.

Words to live by...
