age= The Noisy Cakehole <$BlogRSDUrl$>
The Noisy Cakehole
Open Your Mouth, People

An Arab Nuclear Threat????

Monday, October 24
Reading the Rapid City Journal, I scanned across Sam Hurst's commentary. For those of you who haven't the slightest idea who Sam Hurst is... I'll explain. Mr. Hurst is a documentary filmmaker/journalist/liberal/ kook/ intelligent guy here in Western South Dakota. He came from California to live among the many Christian/Do-gooders/ Right winged wacko's/ Hunters/etc./etc./etc... obviously with the notion that he wasn't going to catch the amount of shit tossed his way by the Do-gooders who have an opinion and write to the editor of the Rapid City Journal!!! (Gasping for air.....) Sometimes Sam nails it on the head of the tack, other times he's trying to nail it from a couple of hundred yards away with a blind throw.

In Sam's latest rant, he's concerned with Osama bin laden and the possibility of his organization stealing a nuclear weapon and using it someplace. While most of us don't think of shit like that and it crosses our minds like a moth farting in your ear, nonetheless Sam is worried. (Read it here and then page back to return Sam Hurst . ) I'm sure people on both coasts might pass a fleating glimpse of this notion but us here in the middle of this large country... humph...

Now back in the late 70's and all through the 1980's... maybe. In 1982, on the basis of nuclear arsenals, Western South Dakota would have been classified the 4th most nuclear weaponed powerhouse on the planet. With more weapon silos per 50 square mile radius... we were fucking jacked up!!! But our worries were all about the Soviet Union not a low tech faction such as al Qaeda. bin Laden doesn't want world domination, he's not looking for real estate. He wants to kill as many American as he can and destroy our way of life. (Apparently he's not into microbrewed beer and hot wings like the rest of us are) None the less, Sam take a valium...fuck, take two and lest not worry. Drink some white wine and listen to smooth jazz... everything will be fine.
